Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Codan

I'm the Birthday Boy!
The big ONE!

What the heck is all this stuff!

So here is the deal with the cake. It was late all four kids were screaming. Danny was helping me with the cake and this is what happened. We ran out of room for Birthday and I guess his name is now Corban. We laughed for so long my tummy hurt. It's a good thing he is one and doesn't realize what is going on. This year we had a party over and Danny's parents and that cake flopped too. I guess we are not good with cakes. I am still waiting to get the pictures from his mom. So those are coming soon.


He loves his new swing. YEA!


The Belliston's said...

Happy Birthday "Carbon" haha that is hilarious. I don't think the cake business is a good route for you two!! Love Ya!!