Monday, November 17, 2008

Toothless cutties!!!

So I finally was able to take a good picture of the girls with their teeth missing. Aren't they cute? For those of you who haven't seen them in awhile they both lost their front teeth. Jadyn lost hers first. She was upset until Karlee lost hers. Now there too cool!! Jadyn loves that her teeth are gone like big sisters. Brody keeps saying he lost a tooth even though he hasn't. His baby teeth on the bottom are fused together so he has a space in the middle and he really thinks he lost a tooth. It is soo funny. Karlee has lost 8 teeth and shes only five. That's so crazy. Nobody else in her kindergarten class has lost any yet. She feels way cool to be the first. Now she can tell Santa all she wants for Christmas is her two front teeth. Karlee loves loosing teeth. She has found it's a good way to make money on the side.

Jadyn chipped her teeth over a year ago on the bathtub. So we had her put under and she got two route canals done and crowns put on. It $cost$ her daddy a lot of hard days at work! Just to knock them out for good only 4 months later. She knocked them out at the root. So the next morning she had to go in again and have the roots taken out. I think my hubby works really hard just to flush money down the toilet. Kids take up every penny, but aren't they so worth every penny spent. Poor kid now she hates the dentist. Kids what do you do with them. I was so upset. My cute little girl can't be without her front teeth for 5 yrs. We thought about having a bridge put in with fake teeth. But the more we thought about it we figured with our luck she would knock those teeth out to. So for now they are the toothless cuties!!

I think she is cute enough without them. People make comments and at first it bugged her. Now she just yells at them and tells them when they ask where her teeth are that they are at home. She kept them in the tooth the dentist gave her. However she is not totally ready to let them go. When we asked her if she wanted the tooth fairy to come she said, "No Mine".


JACK!E said...

You two have the cutest daughters!! I'm with Jadyn, I hate the dentist too!

Jennifer said...

I can't believe Karlee has already lost 8 teeth! Aspen is in 2nd grade and has only lost 2!

The Belliston's said...

It is perfect timing for Karlee to ask for her two front teeth for Christmas. Most kids don't get that chance :) I have the cutest Nieces in the world!!

Jesmyluk said...

Karlee is really on top of the losing of the teeth. Liam who is in 2nd grade has only lost 4, the natural way. He did have one other tooth knocked out for him courtesy a family friend's little boy. It was an accident, but he will be 9 or 10 before the adult tooth will grow in. Why oh why is the dentist so expensive? 80)

Karissa said...

They are so cute and how neat to both have their front teeth out at the same time. I cant believe karlee has lost so many teeth already. Brigg has still only lost 2.

Elder & Sister Bryson said...

This is Aunt Suzanne. I love you blog. Thanks for the cute pictures. Your kids are adorable.

Kristi F. said...

That is so cute! At first I thought that Jadyn actually lost her teeth, but knocking them out makes a lot more sense! Poor girl! Good thing she is so cute it doesn't matter!