Saturday, August 22, 2009

Anna's House

At my best friend Anna's house while in Utah. We got together a lot. The kids had so much fun together. They did lots of fun things like play outside all day. In Arizona it is to hot. There is also sand or rocks everywhere instead of fun piles of dirt.
Her kids had just gotten turtle's and the kids loved them.

The poor turtle. Jade just kept harassing it. She loved to watch them.

Making dinner with Anna.

Lexi loved pushing Codan. And I loved that I didn't have to push him!

Playing in the dirt. Something mommy doesn't normally let them do. Notice how well trained they are by the way they are sitting.

However Codan doesn't know the rules yet. He just dug right in. White shirt and all.

More boys for Brody.

Thanks for letting us come hang out. It was fun having the slumber party and just being able to stay up all night and talk just like the good old days.


Shelby said...

I'm glad you had a fun trip and got to visit you bf. I love Utah! It looks beautiful.