Monday, April 20, 2009

My walking boy

So these are some of his very first steps. He was practicing with me and Jadyn. He would walk from me to Jadyn and she would hug him. I was sooo excited I called Danny home from work. When I mean excited it is because all of are other kids walked way earlier. Karlee at 10 months, Brody at 9 and then Jadyn at 11 months which we thought was slow. However Codan is 13 months old and in no hurry. Why should he walk when sissy and bubba and mom and dad are around to take him everywhere he wants. What a cuttie! I love babies first steps. They are like little drunk people!

He thinks he is the coolest thing around because for some reason everybody claps and yells and screams when he walks. Its like he is a celebrity or something. We love you big boy. But it does make mommy a little sad that her baby is walking.


Jennifer said...

How cute! He is getting so big!

Jay has to go out to Phoenix for a residency fair at his old school on May 14th. Jay's mom said she would come out to watch the kids for us, we are just trying to get a buddy pass through Jay's sister for me. We would totally love to get together with you guys!

Shannon said...

How cute!!! Like your new header pic too!

Jesmyluk said...

Awwww he is so big. Why did yo ulet him grow up like that? ;) Its such a bitter/sweet thing when kids learn to walk. And Shannon is right the new header picture is so cute.